Capital plan

Last update: September 12, 2024

This page outlines CSF’s multi-year capital plan as approved by the Board of Trustees in June 2022, as well as everything you need to know about the ongoing projects undertaken by the CSF for all schools across the province.

The purpose of this capital plan is to ensure the implementation of section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms throughout the province by offering a French first-language education that is substantively equivalent to that offered in English and in French immersion.

For questions about our capital plan, please write to:

Current projects

For each project, a timetable has been considered for project initiation. This timeline does not, however, sacrifice the flexibility that the CSF needs to take advantage of opportunities as they arise and to respond to requests and other unforeseen events. As the CSF, and indeed other English-language school boards, have done in the past, it is permissible for the CSF to change its priorities during the course of a year and to communicate this change to the Ministry. So, for example, if a project is identified as a medium priority on the list submitted in July 2020, but an opportunity (or site) arises a few months later, the CSF could request that it be made an urgent priority in a letter to the ministry or in the next real estate plan.

Updates on current projects are only available in French.

The Capital Plan classifies each project according to different categories!

Learn more

Judgments:CSF-specific category for projects that have been the subject of declarations from the Supreme Court of British Columbia (2016) or the Supreme Court of Canada (2020)


High-priority opportunity or risk : A CSF‑specific category for projects that are urgent because of a business opportunity or a serious risk (e.g. that the school could lose its facility)


Replacement (seismic risk): This category applies to all school boards. The Ministry assesses these projects based on the Seismic Retrofit Guidelines developed by Engineers and Geoscientists BC, with a 5‑level scale of urgency determining the priority of each project.


Expansion:  This category applies to all school boards for school expansion projects.


Site acquisition:  This category applies to all school boards for the purchase of a site for the construction of a new school.


New building (or school construction):  This category applies to all school boards for the purchase or construction of a new school.


Remplacement : This category applies to all school boards for the full or partial replacement of an aging building. The objective is to replace buildings that have reached or will soon reach the end of their useful life.


Renovation of a building in a rural district: This category applies to all school boards for projects that include either complete demolition, partial demolition, consolidation of underused buildings, expansion, renovation or replacement of small buildings. Projects in this category are primarily in communities with a population of fewer than 15,000 located outside Greater Vancouver, Greater Victoria and Kelowna.


Existing leases:  The CSF is the only school board that is required (for now) to enter into lease agreements in order to deliver a number of its programs. Since 2016, the Ministry has been required to pay for the spaces needed to allow the CSF to deliver educational services in French. At the Ministry’s request, the CSF has included its leasing costs in its capital plan.


New lease: A CSF-specific category for projects to open a new French-language program where none has existed.



Any questions?

Please contact us at:


Updates by region are only available on the French page

Previous Capital Plans (PDF versions) :